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My Imaginary Mom

When Imagination and Reality Collide


​Many children create an imaginary friend.  This imaginary friend is perfect and always meets every need of the one who created such friend.  Ever since I can remember, I began creating my imaginary mom. My imaginary mom was perfect….perfect for me at least.  I was adopted at six months old.  My adoptive parents are amazing and I was raised in a loving home and taught awesome morals and values.  The truth is, no matter how amazing an adoptee’s adoptive parents are the curiosity is still there about their birth mother.  I spent several years creating my imaginary mom.  I often day dreamed of what it would be like to actually meet her.  I never thought it would really happen.  But it did.  In 2006 I did a search for her, she was located and we reunited.  It was great at first, until I started comparing her to my imaginary mom.  Things quickly started to fall apart.  This book shares my personal journey through it all and the many lessons I’ve learned and continue to learn along the way.  When I stopped comparing my birth mom to my imaginary mom and started loving her for who she is, bitterness and resentment was replaced with happiness and contentment. 


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